As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10 ESV
Service Opportunities
New Hope Ministries
New Hope Ministries is a Christian social service agency that shows the love and hope of Christ by serving the Central Pennsylvania community in times of need. You can help NHM’s mission by volunteering your time and donating food and monetary gifts. Find out more here.
Meal Ministry
Do you need a meal? Want to connect with someone who needs to be blessed by a meal? Sign up to be a part of the meal ministry. Contact us below for more info.
Fellowship Food
Sharing some food together between Sunday School and the service is a simple way to bring the gift of hospitality to Sunday morning church! We are looking for more members to bring fellowship food once a month or less. Contact us below for more info.
Nursery Helpers
Nursery volunteers help once every 7-8 weeks. We truly appreciate our volunteers and welcome any new helpers! Contact us below to volunteer.
Audio Visual
We are always looking for volunteers willing to help out on Sunday mornings in our sound booth. Contact us below if you are interested in helping out.
Prayer Chain
Commit to praying for our church body and be one of the first to be called to prayer. Contact us below for more information.