Get Involved
Pursue relationships with other believers and be a light in your community and beyond.
Small groups
Wednesday Nights - Adults
Date: Every Wednesday, 7 PM
Location: LiCF
Meet to dive deeper into God’s word! We offer an adult study, as well as nursery care.
Youth Group
Date: Wednesdays, 7-8 PM
Location: LICF
The teenage years are pivotal to critical thinking and building on the solid foundations of Christianity. Questions and discussion is encouraged as we seek answers in the Word of God. For High and Middle School
Women’s Gatherings
Dates: First Thursdays at 6PM and Third Saturdays at 8AM
Location: Fellowship Hall
We have a craft night on the first Thursday of every month in the Fellowship Hall.
Men’s Gatherings
Next Meeting: First Saturdays, 7 AM
Location: Dillsburg (Carrolls)
We meet over breakfast the first weekend of each month to sharpen one another in our faith and lives. All men are welcome.
Seniors Gatherings
Dates: 5th Sundays
Location: Fellowship Hall
Our Seniors Group meets every 5th Sunday for fellowship over a lunch where we deepen our faith, share their experiences, and uplift one another in Christ's love as we seek to reflect Christ's light in the world around us.
Young Adults Discussion
Date: Saturdays, 7 - 9 PM
Location: Dillsburg (Spulers)
This group is for post-high-school age young adults. We tackle some of the deeper issues in discussions, often via a book. Please join us! Bring friends and a snack to share for fellowship afterwards.
Service Opportunities
New Hope Ministries
New Hope Ministries is a Christian social service agency that shows the love and hope of Christ by serving the Central Pennsylvania community in times of need. You can help NHM’s mission by volunteering your time and donating food and monetary gifts.
Serve our church fellowship
There are many ways you can serve your brothers and sisters at LICF! Here are a few ways: nursery, teaching, meal ministry, prayer ministry, fellowship hospitality, technoligy, music, and maintenance. If one of these areas interests you, or you have other ideas, please contact us.